Columbia University Archives
The Low Library at Columbia University
Mission Statement
It is the responsibility of the University Archives to preserve the institutional memory of Columbia University from its founding in 1754 to the present-day. The Archives aims to identify, appraise, collect, describe, preserve and, where appropriate, make available to administrators, researchers, and the general public University records which document the evolution of the University in all its variety including its contributions to teaching and research; the development of schools, academic departments and programs, institutes, and administrative units; campus life; public service; and the University’s role in the history of the metropolitan, national, and international communities.
The University Archives also seeks to educate the Columbia community regarding the existence and importance of historical records in the University’s offices and to encourage the transfer of historical records to the Archives. In its commitment to the University’s overall mission of teaching and learning, the Archives informs the Columbia community and the community of scholars about the wealth and value of its holdings and encourages their use.
Source: Columbia University Website
Frank Lloyd Wright Archives at the Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library
What a thrill to go over some of Frank Lloyd Wright’s first published work, his drawings and papers.