For Love of History
From Herodotus, the father of history, to Columbia University’s History Professor, Susan Pedersen, we have been observing, analyzing and recording events that shaped the course of our life and us, ourselves. Books, pictures, documentaries, libraries, archives, museums and archaeological digs, all serve their purpose in preserving and advancing the study of our collective humanity.
This website is dedicated to all those who love the study of history.
A Little Bit About Me
I am Eleni Maglaras, a New Yorker and aspiring historian. I have enjoyed books even before I could read and would just look at the pictures and smell the pages.
I have been fortunate enough to dive into my passion through a number of internships, independent projects, seminars and shadow programs. I have created this website to record in one place the observations, insights and feelings of my love of reading, writing and history.
My current historical interests lie in the Cold War era. I am exploring the role of politics, diplomacy and espionage from the end of World War II to the Fall of the Soviet Union in shaping the world politics of today. In parallel, I am interested in the geopolitical instability caused by the splitting of the world into multiple spheres of influence and the grouping of old countries, e.g., Yugoslavia, as well as the founding of new countries, e.g., Jordan, Israel, etc.
When I reflect on my experiences to date and exposure to parts of history from the Archaic period of the Eastern Mediterranean to the current climate crisis and tensions with China, I feel that there is an invisible thread that connects all the periods of humanity. Moreover, I feel that if we follow this thread we will be able to anticipate and, better yet, improve our common future.
My Interests
Archaeological Internship, Summer 2023
Columbia University Archives Shadow Program, Summer 2024
Columbia University Pre-College Program, Summer 2024
Member Since 2023
Student & Summer Intern Since 2016
Some of my favorite books
Silver Key in Novel Writing Scholastic Awards 2021